Saturday, January 10, 2015

3 Ships Find Location Black Box AirAsia

Pinger Locator, Gadget Canggih Pelacak Black Box AirAsia QZ8501
Pinger Locator will begin its work by sending sonar which generally runs at a frequency of 37,5 kHz.

Jakarta - The tail has captured Team AirAsia QZ8501 Navy divers on Saturday, January 10th yesterday. However, the black box which can reveal the cause of the crash was not in the tail.

On day 15, the search for survivors and AirAsia plane, Sunday (01/11/2015), 3-vessel reported the discovery of the location of the black box. Location is at 3 degrees 37 minutes 20,7 seconds south latitude and 109 degrees 42 minutes 43 seconds east longitude at a depth of about 30 km.

"The location is between 1 and 4 km from the location of the discovery of the tail," said Deputy Head of Technology Development of Natural Resources Ridwan a stance like Metro TV broadcast.

According to him, it is almost certain that location is a black box AirAsia is. Therefore, three ships under the command ship Baruna Jaya 1 get the same ping signal at that location.

"3 Ship obtain the same position when called. They record sounds the same when the ping of the black box replied," explained he.

"If it's 3 ships same report, it is likely that the location of a black box. The signal is strong enough," said Ridwan.

The tail AirAsia QZ8501 successfully brought onboard Crest Onyx SKK owned oil and gas. Appointment process after consuming process for more than half a day. AirAsia tail successfully brought onboard Onyx Crest at around 14:00 pm. While the flotation process the tail of the seabed starts at 6:00 pm.

Teams of divers had experienced problems when doing flotation to the surface in the waters of the Java Sea. However, at 12.00 pm, a combined team of Navy divers managed to float to the surface of the tail. AirAsia tail current conditions largely been destroyed. But the letter AirAsia largely intact.

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