Friday, April 7, 2017

Adidas running shoes showed the first production, printed the 3D-printer

Adidas still closer to the mass production of shoes with the help of 3D-printing. FutureCraft 4D model will be the first pair of shoes using process "digital light synthesis", invented by Carbon. Technology of Silicon Valley allows you to create three-dimensional objects by bombarding liquid directed light flow. According to Adidas, the method of production will help to bring the volume of 3D-print shoes on a whole new scale.

What kind of shoes?

In fact, the 3D-printer printed only sole sneakers. It protrudes slightly beyond the nose to expose an innovative way of making shoes. In this they are similar to the more early Adidas experiments with 3D-printing , which have not been widely available for sale due to problems with the volume of production of a large number of of sneakers. But now that the possibility of mass 3D-press shoe, Adidas announced that this month will be released 300 pairs FutureCraft 4D for internal testing, and after the 5000 pairs available in retail sales during the autumn and winter. Moreover, until the end of 2018 it is planned to produce 100,000 pairs of shoes printed with a digital light synthesis.

Source/Image: Adidas
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