Friday, September 25, 2015

Watch Video Here, You Would Not Want Selfie Again

Nonton Video Ini, Kamu Engga Bakal Mau Selfie Lagi
(Photo: YouTube/Metro)

Create your selfie enthusiast who almost beat Kim Kardashian, maybe you'll selfie fasting for a while after you watch the video of this one.

The video begins with a woman who was at home and intend to take a picture of herself at midnight. Suddenly, she noticed terrible figure behind her and... Please you watch it.

Video is not the only creepy video that has been created by the F*** You Zombie. The YouTube account also has another video which shows a girl who suddenly approached by a strange man while she was engrossed in reading. Rather than run away, the girl was actually hiding in the wardrobe and the story did not end happily.

The next video from F*** You Zombies will be released within 11 days.

(Source: Metro)
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