Sunday, March 12, 2017

Scientists have discovered what men used to go bald

In large-scale genetic study involved 11 thousand. Men with early hair loss and 12 thousand. Until you begin to lose hair

Undersized men at risk of losing hair early, scientists warn. Conducted by specialists of the University of Bonn research has shown that the small growth and early baldness meet the same genes, according to "Orthodox ".

In large-scale genetic study involved 11 thousand. Men with early hair loss and 12 thousand. Until you start losing your hair. The culprits turned out to be short and balding genes responsible for the production of testosterone - the male sex hormone, which causes an increased level of growth retardation in adolescence and early loss of hair on the head.

If all the men in the family were undersized, but do not suffer from hair loss, then nothing to worry about, soothe the authors of the study. However, to prevent hair loss at high chances of its occurrence is quite problematic. The most effective, but a drastic measure - castration before the start of baldness by which testosterone level drops significantly.

Photo: Flickr
Source: segodnya
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