Friday, October 2, 2015

Microsoft is trying hard to fix damage to Xbox Live

Microsoft Berusaha Keras Perbaiki Kerusakan Xbox Live
Xbox Live (Ubergizmo)

You experience difficulty when connecting the game to Xbox Live? Turns out it's not your fault because Microsoft has released a statement on their official website about the damage that is being experienced by Xbox Live.

Microsoft has so far not yet know the cause why the problem could occur. But clearly, the problem generally occurs in access to services.

"Hey member of Xbox, you have trouble signing in to Xbox Live? We are aware of this and are working hard to get it over as soon as possible! Thank you for being users of our stays. We will post updates if there has been progress," wrote Microsoft representative in websites like Ubergizmo reports Thursday (1/10).

Meanwhile, a variety of social media has been flooded with comments from users related damage to the Xbox. Many of those who complain because they can not access the multiplayer games such as Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare or Destiny.

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