Rover sent to Mars can not roam freely.
As mentioned Quartz, although the official statement from NASA imply that researchers have found evidence that water flowed on Mars, but the fact is they only found chemical evidence that implies that there was water mixed with salt. In addition, although NASA 100 percent sure that there is water on Mars, they still could not do anything about it.
Because the rules Outer Space Treaty forbids anyone to send a robot or a human approaching water sources are found in space on the grounds that there would be fear of water contaminated with microbes that attach to the robot or human that is sent from Earth.
Living beings who lived on Earth proved very difficult to kill. Almost in every corner of the planet discovered microbe, even in the dirtiest place or a place with the highest temperatures though. Microbes on Earth can survive even when he was attached to the exterior of the International Space Station or even the camera on the Moon.
All probes that landed on Mars cleared to ensure no microbes attached, however, no one knows how sterile must be a robot or a plane to be sent to Mars to ensure that Mars will not be contaminated by the living creatures of the Earth.
All missions into space attached to the various protocols protection. On Mars, this protocol determines which areas of a person or a machine can be landed. And also how far he can explore Mars. As reported in 2014, more and more is known about Mars, the wider is also a special area that can not be crawled.
Areas that are considered wet or warm enough so that living beings can live is a special area that can not be explored. Caves and also the region with volcanic activity is also a special area that should not be touched.
Even areas where ice is found as deep as five meters below the surface is also regarded as a special area.
Ironically, prohibition exploring this particular area it forced NASA to not exploring areas that may be found life.
Then, why the news about the discovery of water on Mars is so excited? This may be caused NASA will need funding to continue their mission. And their efforts to get funding helped when society gives special attention to their mission.
Although there is no prohibition to contaminate Mars with microbes Earth, but NASA has plans to hold a human expedition, which is earmarked for 2030. And it certainly will make Mars contaminated with microbes. Even so, there is no guarantee that Mars has not been contaminated by microbes attached to various objects sent to Mars.