Thursday, April 2, 2015

Pac-Man Now Available on Google Maps

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Pac-Man (Photo: Google Maps)

Do you remember when Google displays the game Pac-Man in the form of a doodle in 2010 ago? Now, Google was again showing the game, but in the form of Google Maps application.

To be able to play Pac-Man on Google Maps, you just need to open a desktop version or mobile version of the application and find a picture of the game. In the desktop version, you will be able to choose any city street to be adapted into the game. You can also share the highest value and the specific map game through social media.

However, the mobile version you can only play in certain locations only. The locations that were already disclosed by Google through a series of instructions that lead to a number of well-known places such as Times Square in New York, USA, and Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, France.

Well, until this story was written, not yet known how long Google will provide the game Pac-Man on Google Maps. So, while the game rifle immediately available.
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