Friday, March 20, 2015

Shot, Men's Instead Selfie and Updates

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Shot, this man instead selfie (Illustration: Google)

Rather than seek help, a man in Mesa, Arizona, United States who had just been shot in the shoulder instead taking the time to selfie, and upload it to social media picture.

As revealed by Ryan Martinez (20), the whole incident began when the suspect named Ryan Elliot Giroux (40) suddenly approached and forced him to hand over his car keys. When he said no, Giroux shot him. Not wanting to miss a moment there, he was immediately share photos chef bloody clothes to Snapchat.

"He came and asked for my car keys to escape. Of course I said no and he pulled out a gun and cocked it. Soon after seeing it, I started to step back. I also shouted to everyone to step back and down. The next thing I know is I fell, got up quickly, and ran to the back door, "said Martinez.

The chef students were then added: "I've been at home and was fine. I'm not injured were so mean and I will soon recover. A bullet had on me from behind and penetrate my shoulder. If higher or lower for sure The bullet can about my blood vessels or destroy my shoulder blades. It was a magical shot. "

In addition to Martinez, there are at least four other shooting victims at several different locations in the incident that occurred on Wednesday (18/3) ago it was. Giroux was finally surrendered to the police and immediately escorted in handcuffs.

(Source: Mirror)
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