The combined photo and movie scenes the real world by Francois Dourlen (photo: lesphotosdefrancois)
Francois Dourlen, a teacher of literature and the history of the 32-year-old had a brilliant idea to create a real-life situation becomes more cinematic. Mr. Dourlen who live in Cherbourg, France, began to attract the attention of many people after he made photographs combine with the film scene in the surrounding areas.
Initially, it was just a joke to some of his friends. "I want to take a funny picture for their baby's room." Dourlen to BuzzFeed said.
"I uploaded on Facebook and I started to see a lot of people liked it. So I try to take another picture. It started two years ago," he added.
Mr. Dourlen said that, for him, it's just a fad project he did with his favorite Canon DSLR cameras. Today, many people who contacted him to do a photo and a few orders already bid to buy his photographs. While he intends to continue this unique photo project as long as he has the inspiration to do so.
How cool, right?