Saturday, January 17, 2015

Women's Accustomed 'snacking' Bricks

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Patrice always take the bricks as a snack food (photo: google)

British woman named Patrice this has a strange habit. Besides love snacking, eating Patrice brick as a snack. This has she been doing for 12 years!

Patrice, 29-year-old woman living in London is claimed to have consumed bricks since the age of 17 years. Habit of eating bricks as snacks recognition occurs because the grandmother.

"I did it because my grandmother told me that my uncle and aunt, when they are small is also commonly dig the wall and tried to feel the bricks," she said.

Patrice was recently invited to be a guest star reality show a television station in the UK, titled My Strange Addiction. In the event, Patrice showed chewing habit of a small brick. She seemed to enjoy it.

The purple-haired woman admitted he was addicted to the brick. She never missed a single day without consuming the building materials. Even so bad, Patrice never undermined his bedroom wall to get a brick through a perforated along two feet.

Patrice husband, Calvin, was initially shocked when she found out she like to eat bricks. Although now he has been accustomed to the habits of his wife, Calvin still surprised and did not know how to stop the strange habit of Patrice.

"I could continue to hear chewing, kriuk, kriuk, kriuk. You become like the feeling of pain when chewing hear. But for Patrice, it feels like in heaven," said Calvin.

Residing in London making it increasingly difficult to Patrice stop snacking habits bricks. "London was full of bricks. There parliament, Big Ben, the streets. The bricks are there everywhere. I will be constantly reminded of brick, brick and brick," she said.

Oops, please keep in mind yes if different bricks with crackers. Look for snacks more normal and healthy for you. He-he.
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