Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Why slash paper is very painful?

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Why slash paper is very painful? (Photo: Google)

Sliced paper slightest finger tips will certainly cause tremendous pain. It was apparently triggered by several causes.

As reported by Metro, sliced paper on the finger is actually much worse than it looks. Scientific American reveals that the incision is not the usual minor injuries, but the exact jagged wound on a collection of the most sensitive nerve cells. FYI, fingertip is the 'eye' of the nervous system that can feel heat, cold, and pressure.

"Sliced paper is not as clean as it looks. The edge of the paper looks fine, but actually jagged. Paper is more like a chainsaw slicing skin smaller than the knife. The paper also leave chemical particles that can irritate the incision. The injury was not so much bleed or clot due to shallow. Damaged nerve tissue and remain open. Every time we use the hand, the wound will openly and interfere with nerve, "said Ferris Jabr of Scientific American.

Meanwhile, LiveScience also provided a similar explanation. "Paper is not slicing too deep, but it only made things worse on the surface, where the pain receptors that transmit the sharpest kind of pain is usually concentrated," said LiveScience. Therefore, be careful when you use the paper so you do not hurt and damage the nerves important.
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